Receive an Intuitive Reading and Singing Medicine

Only five people per group.
Through my intuition, I see people's strength and gifts. I then sing to each person to help you live your purpose. Read more...
Group Sessions
Groups heal our need for community connection. The beauty of being part of a group is witnessing another person's "aha moment" which can catalyze your own insights.
Online Classes
Online offerings to help you heal and transform so you can live fully in your body and through your authentic purpose.
Lion & Turtle Blankets
Lion and turtle blankets. Robin's drawings transformed into a 100% cotton woven

Find out more about my upcoming memoir: Abducted from the U.S. to Africa at 8 years old, surviving two near death experiences, and returning to thank the people who helped me 40 years later.
Sign me up so I can receive a Free Gift of Mama Turtle I can print, a free 60 minute class on Nurturing Your Nervous System and "Transmission of Love from NDE" audios!
Upcoming Class:

How do I Survive Loss, Use Grief as Growth, and have a new kind of Relationship with Death?
With Brian Smith and Robin Landsong