Online Classes

*All Classes are Recorded and Everyone Signed Up Will Receive the Recording

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Transmission of Love from Robin's Death and Return Experiences 

Online through Zoom   60 minutes      Free Offering

Saturday November 16, 2024    10:30am Pacific Time, 1:30pm Eastern Time

Join Robin for a beautiful opportunity to receive from Divine Source. During the hour she will transmit the love she was given during her Death & Return Experiences, and give Singing Medicine to the group. Your experience will strengthen your connection to Divine Source, and the truth that trauma survivors are a powerful group of people. I look forward to feeling the place we have been broken is where Divine Source can find us and deliver love.


Generational Healing to Restore Your Present Self, and Vitalize Your Future

Online through Zoom • 90 minutes $15 

Saturday, November 23 • 10:30am PST,  1:30pm EST               

This is a class is for people who have struggled with an issue they cannot seem to get to the bottom of. Often when we have vague anxiety, scarcity, health concerns, and low self-esteem - the underlying cause can be generational trauma. Our bodies know what our relatives survived, even when we don't consciously know the details of famine, war, alcoholism, lost pregnancy, cultural tragedies, and oppression. This can be your breakthrough to feel the wisdom in your body for a new pattern.
My NDE's opened my intuition to hear, see, and know generational trauma. I will work with 4 people to show the group how giving voice with Singing Medicine can bring relief in the present, and restore the future. I have 20 years of professional training in neurobiology of self-connection, polyvagal informed trauma resolution, and compassion based therapies. I have given over 16,000 sessions, and have witnessed the profound healing that comes from compassion to our ancestors and ourselves.
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Nurture Your Nervous System

Online through Zoom   60 minutes      Free Offering

December 7, 2024    10:30am Pacific Time, 1:30pm Eastern Time

Join Robin for a free 60 minute class on Nurturing Your Nervous System. During the hour she will give Singing Medicine to the group, and choose three participants to sing to your nervous system. This class is a beautiful opportunity to witness the truth that trauma survivors are a powerful group of people. I look forward to seeing the ways we have been broken open to know our strengths. We will finish with an open Q&A session.


Praising What We Loved - A Singing Medicine Grief Ceremony

Online through Zoom   90 minutes    $15

Saturday, December 14th   10:30am Pacific Time, 1:30pm Eastern Time

Join Robin for this 1.5 hour mini-workshop that will be a beautiful and gentle opportunity to praise what you loved and lost. Receiving Singing Medicine, and compassionate witnessing from Robin will deepen your spiritual connection with yourself, and integrate your disorientation to reorientation. You are invited to have an object (photo, etc.) that is a memento of a person, land, family that you lost. Robin will tap into her abilities as a Medium and sing to strengthen your present divine relationship to who/what you are praising and grieving. Everyone is welcome to join in whether you had a sweet or difficult relationship to what you lost. This is a powerful way to close one era, and begin again. Being present with our truest emotions can transform grief to growth. 

Past classes, check back for updated dates when they will be offered again. Is there a class listed you would like to see offered? Use the Contact Page to let Robin know. 

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Transmission of the Love (to Your Organs) from the Beings Robin Met during her Death & Return Experiences

Online through Zoom   90 minutes      $15

October 19, 2024    10:30 am Pacific Time, 1:30pm Eastern Time

Join Robin for a potent transmission from Divine Source focused to increase your Organ Health. During the hour and a half Robin will transmit the love she was given during her Death & Return Experiences to each organ, and give Singing Medicine to 3 volunteers in the group. This will strengthen your connection to Divine Source. Powerful energy will be delivered to underlying cause of low functioning organs where we might feel broken down. Divine Source can deliver love so we feel broken open to vibrance.

Close spiral of potential

Brilliant Radiance and  Self-Protection: Growing Your Boundaries

Online through Zoom     90 minutes - $15

Friday September 6th at 4:00 pm Pacific Time, 7:00 pm Eastern Time 

This is a class is for people who want to grow in being radiate with your love, and have keen discernment with your boundaries. Many people struggle with walling off their heart after loss, disappointment, or betrayal. The ability to connect with yourself, people you love, and your community is greatly diminished. Living a pleasure filled life is about freedom in how you connect. We will skill build with knowing your, "YES!" and "No" in your body. Getting grounded, and differentiating your energy from other people is the foundation to communicating your boundaries in a way that increases your safety, as well as the nervous system safety for the other person. I will work with 3 people to show the group how radiant love, boundaries, and Singing Medicine can catalyze your healing. I have 20 years of professional training in anatomy, interpersonal neurobiology, and polyvagal informed human connection. I have given over 16,000 sessions, and will share my own benefits of radiating love and maintaining boundaries.
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Being Cherished: Healing Unmet Needs of Our Young Developing Self

Online through Zoom • 90 minutes $15 

Saturday, August 10th • 10:30am PST,  1:30pm EST               

We are each a drop in the ocean of Divine Source. When we incarnate, and our first home is in our mother’s womb. A river of information begins flowing into our growing body telling us about the lives, losses, glory, and grief from our mother, father, and their mothers and fathers. What do we do with this information of unmet needs, unresolved traumas, and human confusion about how to fully cherish one another? The unseen sufferings of those who came before us can create imprints on our self view and world view. In this class, Robin will share why it can be so common to internalize that which is unnamed but deeply felt.
Robin will sing to four volunteers in the group to contribute to healing these pre-verbal embryonic imprints. She will also sing to bring alive awareness of our inherited generational strengths. Being sung to is graceful medicine to restore our sense of being seen, and cherished which are all antidotes to shame. Nurturing our pre-verbal self empowers us to heal others hidden need for belonging.
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Singing Medicine Mentorship Group, Learn How Your Most Difficult Experiences become Your Path to Purpose

Online through Zoom     90 minutes - $15

Saturday June 29 at 10:30am Pacific Time, 1:30 Eastern Time 

This is for people who want to open their voice and aliveness.
You will receive:
-A practice to sense your unique strength and gifts
-Insight into what might be holding you back
-Receiving Singing Medicine from Robin
-Clarity on how your hardest experiences can become the path of your purpose.
Reconnect to the song you were born with. Grief, trauma, chronic illness can be difficult portal to be broken open to hear our soul’s unique song. I will share how to strengthen your beautiful connection through art and Singing Medicine. I will work with 4 participants and the group as a whole using Singing Medicine as a path to reconnect your life force to your body, your spiritual connection, and your creativity.
Robin Craniosacral with infant

How Do I Heal Trauma in My Nervous System?

Online through Zoom • 90 minutes • $15   

June 22 • 10:30am Pacific Time, 1:30pm Eastern Time  

This is a class about how to heal your nervous system from trauma response. Trauma is not in the event in the past, it remains present in our nervous system until it is addressed. I will validate the difficulties of trauma/neglect and offer techniques to reclaim peace in your body. I will work with 3 people to show the group how compassion and Singing Medicine can be part of your healing. I have 16 years of professional training in neurobiology, brain treatment, and Polyvagal informed trauma resolution. I have given over 14,000 sessions, and my own trauma recovery to share. This class is a beautiful way to see trauma survivors as the powerful group of people that we are. I look forward to seeing in each of us where we have been broken open to know our strengths. 
Robin Costa Rica Jungle

Women in Our Power- Intuitives Stepping into to Your Next Level of Hearing Wisdom in Your Body

With Robin Landsong Professional Intuitive for 23 years

Online through Zoom, Saturday, April 27, 2024. 10:30am Pacific, 1:30 Eastern 90 minutes $15

Do you need encouragement, deeper permission, and community of other women deepening into the intuitive wisdom in our bodies? Then this is the class for you.
You will receive mentoring on energetic boundaries, clarity on your integrity of how you share your intuitive perceptions that result in being received bette, practices emphasizing embodiment and increased permission to show up for yourself.
While Robin works directly with four women, the group will be empowered to deepen into your body's wisdom.
Robin Aisha Landsong is a multiple Near Death Experiencer. She was called back to life by the Medicine Song of a woman who mothered her in Zimbabwe during the war in 1977. She find great meaning in helping people restore their vitality and come home to belonging and intuition.
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Pregnant Women and New Mom’s Who Want Their Baby Sung to by Robin

Online through Zoom   60 minutes      $22

2024    10:30am Pacific Time, 1:30pm Eastern Time

This group is for women who are pregnant, or have an infant and you would like you and your baby sung a blessing.
-You and your baby's unique strength and gifts seen and reflected back to you
-Robin may receive insight about what you and your child might learn from each other
I look forward to supporting you. This is through Zoom. I have made this group shorter than other groups to make it easier for mom's to be in class. Group size up to 15 women. I am really excited about this group!

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Q&A Session about upcoming In-Person Retreat: Sound Healing Immersion with Robin and Christopher at Breitenbush Hot Springs      

Online through Zoom     30 minutes - Free

Check back for future dates Pacific Time,  Eastern Time

Are you curious about the upcoming In Person Retreat? Join in to ask your questions to help you decide if it is a good fit for you!

About IN Person Retreat:

Robin led events:  Visionary art slide show: sacred messages from her Near Death Experiences where you are bathed in our belonging in The Web of Life.

  • Gracefully descend into the Delta brain state through group Craniosacral Therapy sessions.
  • Play in guided art-making sessions, allowing creativity to flow.

Christopher led events:  Engage in embodied breath work, a sacred journey of self-discovery.

  • Experience somatic movement, guided with live music.

Heart Ceremony Led Together

  • Each person will receive their unique Medicine Song while being immerse in Didgeridoo Sound Healing, transformative vibrations with Singing Bowls, and Drumming.
  • We will end the retreat with a Sacred Dance Party.
After we found the site of my first village where the massacre occurred we were gifted with a rainbow. It felt like a sign that I had come full circle after 40 years.

Self-Criticism to Self-Compassion as a Path to Purpose

Online through Zoom  90 minutes  $15

Saturday, September 9  10:30am PST,  1:30pm EST                

This is a class is for people who want to do an experiment of being kinder to themselves and see if it reveals purpose. This can be your breakthrough to hear the wisdom in your body. Berating ourselves might work short term, but long term there are tremendous costs like less motivation, lower self esteem, diminished vitality in the immune response. This habit often starts in childhood that may have had trauma, neglect, or abandonment. We learn to yell at ourselves before anyone else can do it.
This class is tangible ways to turn this around so you can learn to speak to yourself with compassion, and kindness.  I will work with 3 people to show the group how compassion and Singing Medicine can be part of your healing. I have 19 years of professional training in neurobiology of self connection, polyvagal informed trauma resolution, and compassion based therapies. I have given over 15,000 sessions, and have witnessed the profound healing that comes from compassion.
hands for class

Moving Your Groove to the Next Level: Women in Entrepreneurship

Online through Zoom 

Feb 9 and 16, March 2 and 9 at 10:30 AM PST / 1:30PM EST             4 meetings of 90 minutes $78.00

For 20 women identified people                       

Have you been called to use your gifts but are wondering if you are ready to share them? You don't have to have it all figured out - we are coming together for you to learn, gain confidence, and share our growth.
This is the time of taking ownership of your gifts, grow self-permission to be big, brilliant, and show up for yourself, and then in the world. Each session will provide opportunities to be seen by Robin through Singing Medicine, Intuitive reading of your gifts, strengths and vulnerable areas. We will connect and celebrate as we learn about standing up in our feminine and masculine power. Over the course of the 4 sessions each participant will receive an intuitive drawing, reading, and Singing Medicine.

Join a community of women entrepreneurs, gifted healers, and creatives who want to move their practice to the next level and share with the world what they have to offer. Together we will create a supportive community to cultivate accountability and action. You will clarify what brings you alive in your divine calling. Look forward to seeing you thrive!

Mens group

Freedom and Right Use of Power- Men Walking the Shamanic Path

Online through Zoom   90 minutes $15

Check back for dates  10:30am PT, 1:30pm ET

This is for men who feel a deeper calling, that you have been on a Shamanic path, but without guidance to help you name this something important you have to contribute. In this class you will experience that you are not alone. Robin will use her intuition to name the gift so you can step into the freedom and power of your calling.  You will receive:

  • Mentoring on energetic boundaries, the importance of personal clarity, and practices emphasizing embodiment to up level your intuition.
  • A meditation with Robin’s visual art that will cultivate your permission to show up and trust yourself.
  • While Robin works directly with three men, everyone in the group will be empowered to take your next right step.
Maemu and Robin2019

Women in Our Power- Healers and Intuitives Stepping into to Your Next Level

Online through Zoom   90 minutes $15

(check back for new dates in 2023)

If you feel you have something to contribute and need encouragement, deeper permission, and community of other women also walking the healers’ path, then this is the class for you. When we listen, we can feel the pull to rise to our next level of our calling. If you are ready, or becoming ready to commit to the potential you feel inside, then please join us. Everyone who signs up will get the recording. You will receive:

  • Getting curious about why we hold back on our real level of power.
  • Mentoring on energetic boundaries, personal clarity, and practices emphasizing embodiment.
  • A guided meditation with Robin’s visual art that will cultivate your permission to show up for yourself.
  • While Robin works directly with three women, everyone in the group will be empowered to take your next step toward your deepest calling.
Brian Smith

How do I Survive Loss, Use Grief as Growth, and Redefine My Relationship with Death?

With Brian Smith and Robin Landsong       Online through Zoom

(check back for new dates in 2022)

This class is for people who want an experience of honoring our grief, and finding our resilience to heal and thrive. Brian will reframe grief as a growth process, and offer a new relationship with death. Robin brings ways to transform self criticism and guilt into self compassion. This transformation clears our intuitive sensing to communicate with our loved ones who are on the other side. Robin will give Singing Medicine to three participants and the whole group. We will also have question and answer.
Brian Smith is a certified life coach, a grief guide, and a small business consultant. He helps navigate people through the grief journey and to frame death in a more holistic way. He is on the board of Helping Parents Heal, and the author of "Grief 2 Growth: Planted. Not Buried." He is the host of the Grief 2 Growth podcast. You can find Brian at
Robin Aisha Landsong is a multiple Near Death Experiencer. She was called back to life by the Medicine Song of a woman who mothered her in Zimbabwe during the war in 1977. She knows the hard road of grief, and finds great meaning in helping people restore their vitality after loss. She is an Empathic Medium, Health Intuitive, Artist, Author, and Medicine Singer.