Donate to Robin’s Next Album


We deeply appreciate your support donations for the creation of Robin’s next music albums.

See below for Robin’s visions and plans for next music creations!

Donations will go directly to paying musicians, vocalist, sound engineers, and maybe some snacks while we record.

Please make a donation for the production of Robin’s music in the Cart

*Name your amount.


Next Album Productions in progress:

Poetic excerpts of the Loving Bravely audiobook made into spoken word with Robin’s Singing Medicine and other vocalist harmonizing!

Production with Christopher Parnell playing Didgeridoo, percussion, and Robin’s vocals, singing the songs of the land in California.

Next Ideas:

Longer guided meditation with Robin speaking and Singing Medicine to help people with sleep, anxiety, and meditation. People have requested a recording to fall asleep to and I am happy to make it so!

Production with piano player and Robin’s Singing Medicine

When I moved to California after divorce, I crossed over the state line and heard Divine Source loudly say to me, “Do you know how much music you are going to create here?” I said, “No, Show me!”


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